Managing Complex Augmented Reality Models

As Augmented Reality systems and applications expand in scale and scope, so do the complexities of managing interactions and information they provide. Managing these systems requires a structured, yet flexible model. Based on the information-processing pipeline, a research project, funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, has designed a 4-tier structure for managing complex Augmented Reality models. (Schmalstieg, et al., 2007)

The article depicts 4 layers for managing complex AR models “acquisition, storage, delivery, and use of the data” (Schmalstieg, et al., 2007).

4 Tier Structure for Managing complex AR models  (Schmalstieg, et al., 2007)
4 Tier Structure for Managing complex AR models (Schmalstieg, et al., 2007)

Tier 0: Acquisition

This refers to the acquisition of data to be used in the AR system/application. The options for this could range from legacy systems to information collected as the users interact with the real world, as well as, information generated/authored by the system itself.

Tier 1: Storage

This refers to the storage of acquired data from Tier 1. The central issue with data storage is designing a structure that is “sufficiently flexible” to service a wide variety of applications (Schmalstieg, et al., 2007). For this reason, a highly flexible, yet structured data model is required.

For this the team developed an “XML dialect called Building Augmentation Markup Language (BAUML)” to provide an flexible extensible structure.  (Schmalstieg, et al., 2007).

Tier 2: Delivery

Augmented Reality, very frequently, uses content that is generated on-the-fly (at run-time) as it is sensitive to the “context” of the user. Being able to model and remodel this data to fit a user’s context reduces the need for data duplication and optimizes bandwidth utility.

Tier 3:  Use

Defining the way in which users interact with the application is an important factor in AR. As, truly ubiquitous, AR systems are required to allow user interaction in nearly countless situations, it is not practical to set a fixed set of umbrella interactions (that affect all real-world objects). Interactions with real world objects, that are being “augmented”, needs to be as unique as the objects are to each other. It is fair to say, collecting a fixed set of interactions, for each and every real-world-object, would be near impossible and highly-impractical. For this reason, Interactions, like the data, will have to be modeled on-the-fly.

One approach would be to create modular interactions that are aggregated, based its relevance to the object and data, at run-time

This model emphasizes the use of structured, re-usable, modularized information and instructions that are composable at run-time. This is to ensure enough flexibility to take into account varying applications and interactions. It also serves to minimize the storage, processing and transmission overheads in the system. This structure will serve to provide scalability as AR systems move towards becoming truly ubiquitous.


Schmalstieg, D., Schall, G., Wagner, D., Barakonyi, I., Reitmayr, G., Newman, J., et al. (2007, JUL/AUG). Managing Complex Augmented Reality Models. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE , 27(4), 48-57. Available Here

Augmented Reality in Education & Training

There are varying methods and approaches to education, each based on the medium and environment in which it is delivered. With recent advancements in information and technological reach and convenience, these methods have been extended to beyond just the classroom. Augmented Reality is one such technology that has changed the nature and method of education. (Lee, 2012)

The extended reach of AR has now allowed us to bring education into a wider domain by introducing digital information into the real world. A bevy of different projects have attempted to provide educational material from K-12 to higher education. These materials have been provided in varying disciplines, from chemistry to astrology, and varying mediums, from mobiles devices to custom built HUDs (heads-up-displays).  Augmented reality has also served to increase the potential venues for education. The classroom is no longer is the boundary of formal education. It is even possible that the classroom might, eventually, cease to be the standard venue for formal learning.

Some exploits into Augmented Reality that can apply to education are presented below:

Google Skymap: an open-source mobile application for the Android platform that Google calls their “window on the sky”. Sky Map allows access astronomy information on their mobile devices simply by pointing the devices at the stars in the sky. This is an application that has practical applications in studying Astronomy. (Google, 2011)

Augmented Chemistry: a project by the Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich) aimed at helping “chemists to create, visualize molecules and chemical reactions.” This application provides a method to simulate chemical interactions. (Lehrstuhl für Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality – Technische Universität München, 2012) Asides from the educational application of this application, it can serve as a safe way for simulating, potentially dangerous and expensive, chemical reactions in research and manufacturing.

Click Here for Video Demonstration

Augmented Reality Biology: SIVECO Romania SA has created an AR application that allows users to learn about the human anatomy. This is done by the use of flash cards or overlaying 3D models human organs on the users’ bodies.

Books: Some book publlishers like Dorling Kindersley have also augment the reading experience (books) with AR content to improve the reading experience.

Other educational applications of Augmented Reality have appeared in form of museum and tour guides that allow users see visualized information on exhibits and historical sites. This allows users to visualize objects in their original form even if they are not fully physically present. (Lee, 2012)

Education has also been improved by using immersive role-playing games. These games invite the users to assume the role of a character in the game and explore the real-world collecting information and digital artifacts. As the users navigate the real world informational material is presented and overlayed on real world objects. (Lee, 2012)

Augmented reality is re-shaping the educational experience by providing g enriched digital material and content intertwined with the real-world. We have seen AR used as a tool in improving and enriching books, as well as, lessons like chemistry, physics, biology and even math As we see the technology grow, it is possible that the boundaries, settings and venues of formal education will extend past the limits of the classroom. This will allow students to learn outside the context of a rigid formal structure and inside the context of the physical (every-day) world around them.


Google. (2011). Google Sky Map for Android. Retrieved MAR 27, 2012, from Google Mobile:

Lee, K. (2012, MAR). Augmented Reality in Education and Training. Tech Trends, 56(2), 13 – 21. Available Here

Lehrstuhl für Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality – Technische Universität München. (2012). ProjectChemistry. Retrieved MAR 27, 2012, from TUM – TU München:

Augmented Reality Today

Advent of Augmented Reality

Social media, manufacturing, automobile, education, tourism, gaming, military and medicine; these are a few fields in which Augmented Reality (AR) has been touted as the future of information and interaction. Though the technology emerged nearly 20 years ago, recent developments, in technology and communications, has seen companies taking advantage of advances in technologies like geo-location, high-powered graphics processing, high-speed communications and mobile devices to develop applications that change the way we interact with information and the real world. Ongoing research in hardware, software, privacy and security is bringing us closer and closer to constant immersion in augmented reality. Many parties agree that AR is not just a passing trend but an evolution in interaction and information that will have a “major impact in industrial and consumer applications”. To which end, its success in becoming mainstream will be highly dependent on its profitability. (Kroeker, 2010 )

AR Defined

Soha Maad, editor of the book Augmented Reality, portrays Augmented Reality as “a system that supplements the real world with computer-generated virtual objects”. (Augmented Reality, 2010) This is to suggest that Augmented Reality is the incorporation of digital information into the real-world by overlaying or attaching the said information on real-world objects. An example of augmented reality is Google Goggles, a mobile device that allows users to search for information about an object in the real-world by simply taking a picture of it.

Properties of AR Applications

As with advancement, in technology, there are certain properties that be used to sum up its nature. The properties of AR were concisely documented in the survey, Recent Advances in Augmented Reality as (Azuma, Baillot, MacIntyre, Behringer, & Feiner, 2001):

  • combines real and virtual objects in a real environment;
  • runs interactively, and in real time; and
  • registers (aligns) real and virtual objects with each other.

These properties, in turn, allow the user to experience the real-world with all the trappings and benefits of information digitally available courtesy of AR applications.

Popular AR applications

There has been rapid growth in number of available Augmented Reality applications recently. These applications span from healthcare applications, social media, web applications, manufacturing, gaming and everything in-between. (Kroeker, 2010 ) Some of the applications, of the technology, that have enjoyed more attention by consumers are:

Layar Browser:  AReal-World Browser” that allows users to scan their environment and visualize information on objects surrounding them.

Wikitude World Browser:  AReal-World Browser” that allows users to scan their environment and visualize information on objects surrounding them (similar to the Layar Browser)

PlayStation Eye: the Sony PlayStation gesture-recognition peripheral that allows users to control and play video games by actual physical actions (gestures)

Kinect for Xbox360: Microsoft’s gesture recognition peripheral for the Xbox 360 gaming console

Websites for retailers have also used the technology to provide customers with “virtual testing” of their offerings. An example is Tissot, which manufactures high-end watches, allowing users to virtually try on watches on the website using a webcam (Tissot Reality). Other companies, shops and retailers like Nissan have also taken to using AR as a method of improving the users’ shopping experience.

With the vast potential applications of Augmented Reality, it is well poised to be the next evolution in human-computer interaction.


Azuma, R., Baillot, Y., MacIntyre, B., Behringer, R., & Feiner, S. K. (2001, Nov/Dec ). Recent Advances in Augmented Reality. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE , 21(6 ), 34 – 47. Available Here

Kroeker, K. L. (2010 , July). Mainstreaming augmented reality. Communications of the ACM, 53(7), pp. 19-21.  Available Here

Maad, S. (Ed.). (2010). Augmented Reality. INTECH. Available Here